Purpose of the regulations:
The purpose of the regulations is to establish the guiding ethical principles, values and rules for the employees of the Trauma Centre non-profit ltd. (hereinafter: Trauma Centre), which they must adhere to during their work
The regulations are intended for those who have an employment contract, commission or business contract with the Trauma Centre and within this framework carry out work for the Trauma Centre, with special regard to those who work directly with the Trauma Centre’s clients and provide them with assistance – especially psychiatrists, psychologists and non-verbal therapists.
General principles:
Respect for human dignity: The staff of the Trauma Centre respects the dignity of all people equally. As part of this, they recognizes that human dignity, in accordance with constitutional principles, is inseparable from the person’s right to life, is invisible and unlimited, and is equal for all people.
Respect and enforcement of human rights: The employees of the Trauma Centre always respect basic human rights, especially human dignity and the prohibition of discrimination, and keep their enforcement in mind during their work. From the Trauma Centre’s point of view, the following human rights are of utmost importance: the prohibition of torture, inhuman, cruel and degrading treatment and punishment; the right to health; and the prohibition of violence against women.
Prohibition of disadvantageous discrimination: The employees of the Trauma Centre are obliged to treat everyone regardless of gender, skin color, ethnic or national origin, mother tongue, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, health condition, political or cultural opinion, worldview orientation, financial or class status, or belonging to any other group, to treat and provide care under the same conditions. This does not preclude a well-defined group from being given a special procedure beneficial to them for a specific professional goal.
Equality between men and women: In the course of their activities, the staff of the Trauma Centre always respect and try to enforce the principle of equality between women and men, and take action against systemic discrimination against women.
Commitment and responsibility: In the course of their work, the employees of the Trauma Centre act responsibly towards clients, colleagues, the Organization and society. They do their work to the best of their ability, observing the ethical rules described here. They assume responsibility for any errors, omissions and mistakes made during the work.
Mutual cooperation, correct information and consultation: In the course of their work, the staff of the Trauma Centre strive for mutual cooperation with colleagues, professional organizations and institutions, as well as with clients. In all their activities, they keep in mind the importance of correct information and proper consultation.
Transparency: The employees of the Trauma Centre strive to respect the principle of transparency during their activities, therefore, taking into account the obligation of confidentiality and the protection of personal data, as well as within the framework of the professional documentation required in the health sector, they regularly report on their work through the online system created for this purpose. Furthermore, they inform their employer or the contracting party if they are engaged in a different but identical or closely related professional activity at another organization, institution or state or local government body.
Confidentiality, respect for personal and sensitive data: In the course of their work, the staff of the Trauma Centre always respect the obligation of confidentiality towards clients and the protection of personal and sensitive data in general.
Ethical rules for professional work:
Eligible persons for therapeutic work: Employees of the Trauma Centre or persons in a contractual relationship with the Organization who obtained a qualification in psychiatry or psychology as their main subject at university (full-time, evening, correspondence or supplementary), as well as those who have a non-verbal therapy qualification, and they also pursue this expertise in practice (in healing, therapeutic work, research, education) professionally. They can only carry out activities for which they are professionally qualified.
Commitment and responsibility: Within the scope of their competence, the Trauma Centre’s therapeutic staff take responsibility for their decisions, the procedures and methods used, their expected outcomes, and professional interventions affecting the individual, group, and society. They are aware that their activities affect the lives of the people who come into contact with them during their professional work (personality development, lifestyle, social situation, asylum procedure). They therefore have a professional responsibility for protecting the interests of both the examined / treated person and society. In all their activities, they respect the rights and dignity of the people they come into contact with. They carry out their activities to the best of their knowledge and belief, within the legal framework, in compliance with the regulations of the ethical regulations. They comply with the instructions and requests of their employer or client by complying with these obligations.
The requirements of professionalism for the staff of the Trauma Centre in connection with psychiatric and psychological examination, therapeutic activity, healing and assistance:
Acceptance of treatment: the staff of the Trauma Centre must refuse to treat the client in cases where his psychological disorder cannot be supported by expert opinion. The staff of the Trauma Centre acts professionally and ethically if they initiate the treatment only if they can carry it out in a planned way and can finish it within a reasonable time limit by achieving the set goals. In case of problems, he/she organizes the change of therapist with the consent of the client. Problem could also be if the process differs from the therapeutic goals. The affected client must be informed about the changes in a timely manner.
During psychiatric and psychological examination, therapeutic work, healing and assistance, the staff of the Trauma Centre always strive to apply the most up-to-date professional procedures. In order to maximize the opportunities provided by the development of science, they keep up with the results of the relevant science (field) and try to promote its development.
During their professional or educational activities, they are aware of the opportunities and limitations provided by their expertise. They only undertake tasks that are within their competence limits and that they can base on their studies, professional experience, investigations and consultations. Otherwise, professional consultation, assistance or supervision will be requested, and if necessary, the assignment will be handed over to someone else. They do not undertake a task that could create a conflict of interest for them, or in which their activities could be misused.
They refrain from undertaking an activity or assignment if they know that their personal limitations and problems can most likely prevent them from completing the task in a professional manner. If such a situation arises, appropriate steps will be taken. This can be, e.g. request a professional consultation, during which it can be clarified whether they should limit, suspend or end the given activity. If such a situation arises, it will be decided in consultation with the professional director and the executive.
They strive to establish a good relationship with their colleagues, mutually support each other’s work, and share information relevant to each other’s work. The managing director, in consultation with the professional director, takes care of the professional development and development of his colleagues and the maintenance of good professional cooperation within the group.
Relationship with a client or examined person
The clients of the Trauma Center’s staff are all the people with whom they come into contact through examination, individual or group therapy, social or other assistance.
The employees of the Trauma Center refrain from any expression, activity, or use of expressions that may violate the dignity of the examined or treated person, or discriminate based on skin color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, religion, language, based on disability, financial or class status or other reasons prohibited by law.
The employees of the Trauma Centre refrain from any unwanted, harassing and violent physical manifestations or contact during their examination, treatment or therapy activities.
The employees of the Trauma Center wear clothing during examination, treatment or therapy – and whenever they come into contact with clients – that takes into account the religious and cultural sensitivities and possible traumatization of the other party, and is not fear-inducing or reminiscent of military or law enforcement clothing, which important for the well-being of survivors of torture or other trauma.
The employees of the Trauma Centre do not establish contact with clients or patients of the Trauma Centre outside of their working hours, examinations or therapy, unless they have a good reason for doing so and have discussed this with the executive in advance.
In the course of the Trauma Centre’s work, the examination, therapy, and preparation of a specialist medical opinion are only possible thorough information of the affected persons, consultation with them, and, if necessary, informing their legal representative. Before starting the examination, therapy, and treatment, the staff of the Trauma Centre must inform the clients about our confidentiality obligation.
The examined / treated person has the right to have only those persons present during his examination and care, whose participation in the care is necessary, and those whose presence he consents to. Audio, image or video recordings of the examination / treatment can only be made with the well-informed consent of the person being examined / treated.
During examinations/treatments/therapies, the staff of the Trauma Centre will take into account the gender of the examined/treated person if possible (as far as the capacity of the organization allows), and persons of the same gender will participate in the examination/treatment, especially if the examined person specifically requests this.
Confidentiality obligation
The employees of the Trauma Centre are bound by an obligation of confidentiality with regard to all medical, psychological and personal data they come to know during the care of the examined / treated person. This data can only be disclosed to the person entitled to it, and must treat it confidentially. Their duty of confidentiality continues even after the end of your relationship with the examined / treated person.
Professional (medical, psychological) confidentiality includes all psychiatric, psychological, medical and personal identification data obtained in the course of professional activity, as well as any necessary or ongoing or completed treatment, as well as other data learned in connection with the treatment, regardless of whether that it was known through written or oral communication or during any investigation.
Psychiatric and psychological data, in particular: related to the mental and spiritual state of the person concerned, behavior, trauma experienced by the person concerned, sexual violence, exclusion of suitability for the performance of parental duties or the performance of these duties, pathological addiction, or detected, examined, measured, mapped or derived data; in addition, all data that can be linked to the previous ones and influence them (e.g. family environment, occupation).
Personal identification data: surname and first name, maiden name, gender, place and time of birth, mother’s maiden surname and maiden name, place of residence, place of residence, social security identification number (TAJ number), other identification number, together or these any of them, as long as it is suitable or can be suitable for identifying the data subject.
Preservation and destruction of examination and therapy documentation:
- Data collection and data handling must be fair and legal at all times.
- The data must be accurate, complete and, if necessary, timely.
- The method of their storage should be suitable so that the person concerned can only be identified for the time necessary for the purpose of storage.
The staff of the Trauma Centre respects the needs of the examined/treated persons as to who can be informed about the expected outcome and results of the psychiatric and psychological examination, and who the concerned person excludes from partial or complete knowledge of their data.
The obligation of confidentiality also applies to the persons present during the examination and care of the client and those who participate in the care. The attention of these persons must be drawn to their duty of confidentiality, and they must be informed of the content of the duty of confidentiality.
With the professional partner organizations, institutions and authorities cooperating with the Trauma Centre in certain cases – especially in the context of social work, health care, educational activities or legal proceedings – in addition to the mutual guarantee of confidentiality, information, developments and data related to the client will be provided by the person concerned or his legal representative in advance can be shared with your consent.
The employees of the Trauma Centre ensure that no information and data related to them can be included in the organization’s publications, reports, and educational materials without the prior consent of the person concerned.
Ethical responsibility of employees towards each other
The employees of the Trauma Center mutually respect each other’s work and professional knowledge, and help each other’s work whenever possible. Employees must also communicate and express themselves respectfully and non-violently towards each other.
Necessary steps in case of ethical problems:
In the event of an ethical problem, the person examined / treated by the Trauma Centre or his family member can contact the manager, who will ensure that the ethical problem is thoroughly investigated and that appropriate steps are taken to solve and prevent it.
If the employees of the Trauma Centre notice an ethical problem, they are obliged to report this to the manager immediately, who will ensure that the ethical problem is thoroughly investigated and that appropriate steps are taken to solve and eliminate it.
If ethical problems arise in connection with the executive’s activities and procedures, the professional director can be contacted, who will ensure that the ethical problem is thoroughly investigated and that appropriate steps will be taken to solve and prevent it.